How to Install Mailcow Mail Server On Ubuntu

MailCow Mail Server Setup

Mailcow Mail Server Is Very Simple To Install On Vps. Also Mailcow Provides A Modern Web User Interface For User And Server Administration. MailCow Is Open Source Project That Means You Can Install On Unlitilmted Vps Without Any Cost. To learn more about MailCow you can read their official documentation.

Vps Machine Requirements :-

  • 2 VCPU
  • 4 GB of RAM
  • 80 GB storage
  • Ubuntu  & Centos ( In this tutorial i Am Uisng Ubuntu )

Popular VPS provider with Open port 25

  1. Turnkey internet.
  2. Contabo.
  3. OVH.
  4. Digital Ocean*

Domain Name

Basic DNS settings

First match the four basics:

# Name              Type       Value
mail                IN A (ip adderss)
autodiscover        IN CNAME
autoconfig          IN CNAME
@                   IN MX 10
  1. Install Docker

2. Install Mailcow

1 . Install Docker And Docker-Compose

According to the docker-ce document, I installed it by myself, but did not follow the mailcow document.

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo \
  "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \
  $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
sudo docker run hello-world
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose --version

2. Install MailCow :-

Follow These Commands To Install MailCow Mail Server

root@mail:~# hostnamectl set-hostname
root@mail:~# apt install git -y
root@mail:~# cd /opt
root@mail:/opt# git clone
root@mail:/opt# cd mailcow-dockerized
root@mail:/opt/mailcow-dockerized# ./
root@mail:/opt/mailcow-dockerized# docker-compose pull

Pulling unbound-mailcow   ... done
Pulling mysql-mailcow     ... done
Pulling redis-mailcow     ... done
Pulling clamd-mailcow     ... done
Pulling php-fpm-mailcow   ... done
Pulling sogo-mailcow      ... done
Pulling dovecot-mailcow   ... done
Pulling rspamd-mailcow    ... done
Pulling postfix-mailcow   ... done
Pulling memcached-mailcow ... done
Pulling nginx-mailcow     ... done
Pulling acme-mailcow      ... done
Pulling netfilter-mailcow ... done
Pulling watchdog-mailcow  ... done
Pulling dockerapi-mailcow ... done
Pulling solr-mailcow      ... done
Pulling olefy-mailcow     ... done
Pulling ejabberd-mailcow  ... done
Pulling ofelia-mailcow    ... done
Pulling ipv6nat-mailcow   ... done
root@mail:/opt/mailcow-dockerized# docker-compose up -d
Creating network "mailcowdockerized_mailcow-network" with driver "bridge"
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_vmail-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_vmail-index-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_mysql-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_mysql-socket-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_redis-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_rspamd-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_solr-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_postfix-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_crypt-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_sogo-web-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_sogo-userdata-backup-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_xmpp-vol-1" with default driver
Creating volume "mailcowdockerized_xmpp-upload-vol-1" with default driver
Creating mailcowdockerized_sogo-mailcow_1      ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_olefy-mailcow_1     ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_memcached-mailcow_1 ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_clamd-mailcow_1     ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_unbound-mailcow_1   ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_watchdog-mailcow_1  ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_dockerapi-mailcow_1 ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_solr-mailcow_1      ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_ejabberd-mailcow_1  ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_redis-mailcow_1     ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_mysql-mailcow_1     ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_php-fpm-mailcow_1   ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_postfix-mailcow_1   ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_dovecot-mailcow_1   ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_nginx-mailcow_1     ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_ofelia-mailcow_1    ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_netfilter-mailcow_1 ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_rspamd-mailcow_1    ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_acme-mailcow_1      ... done
Creating mailcowdockerized_ipv6nat-mailcow_1   ... done

Open All Required Ports

root@mail:~# sudo ufw allow 25,80,443,110,143,465,587,993,995/tcp

Visit the domain name you entered before, and you should be able to see the backend of mailcow. Use the default account  admin and password to  moohoo log in to the background.

Add a domain name

Select Configuration -> Mailboxes -> Add domain on the top navigation bar to add a domain name

Add user

Go to the Mailboxes page again, select Add mailbox and fill in the relevant information.

At this point, you should be able to start sending emails. Try sending a letter via SMTP with the above information!

To access mailbox go to and enter username and password.

Create the DKIM key

On the mailcow web page, configure -> Administration -> ARC/DKIM keys, add a dkim, Domainfill in xxx.xxxSelectorfill in dkim, and choose 1024 for length (2048 looks like Dnspod does not support), and the generated result is shown in the figure:

SPF record

TXT	@	“v=spf1 mx a -all”

DMARC record

TXT	_dmarc	“v=DMARC1; p=none; fo=1;;”

And Awesome, Now you can test your MailCow Mail Server. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial for smtp server configuration.

Don't send a lot of mails directly you will be blocked ! .. . Warm-Up Your Ip Address First.

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