How to Install hestiacp on Debian


HestiaCP is a powerful and user-friendly control panel for web hosting that simplifies the management of servers. If you’re using Debian and looking for a robust control panel, HestiaCP is an excellent choice. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the entire process of installing HestiaCP on your Debian server, from preparation to completion.


Before diving into the installation, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • A Debian server (Debian 10 or later)
  • Root or sudo access to the server
  • A valid domain name (optional but recommended)
  • Basic knowledge of using the command line

Vps Provider



Update and Upgrade Your System

First, ensure your system is up to date. Run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

Updating your system ensures that all the installed packages are current and any potential security vulnerabilities are patched.

Set Up Your Hostname

Setting up a hostname is crucial for the proper functioning of your server and control panel. Set your server's hostname using the hostnamectl command:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname yourhostname

Replace yourhostname with your desired hostname.

Install Required Packages

HestiaCP requires some essential packages to be installed. Install them using:

sudo apt install sudo curl wget gnupg2 ca-certificates lsb-release apt-transport-https -y

These packages are necessary for downloading and installing HestiaCP and its dependencies.

Download and Prepare HestiaCP

Download the HestiaCP installation script from the official repository:


Make the script executable:

chmod +x

Run the HestiaCP Installer

Now, execute the installation script:

sudo ./

Follow the prompts to configure the installation. You will need to confirm your domain, email address, and other settings.

Configure Firewall Settings

HestiaCP will automatically configure your firewall settings, but you should verify them to ensure all necessary ports are open. HestiaCP uses ports 8083 for the web interface, among others.

sudo ufw allow 8083
sudo ufw enable

Access HestiaCP Dashboard

Once the installation is complete, you can access the HestiaCP dashboard via your web browser. Navigate to:


Log in using the admin credentials provided during the installation.

Create a New User in HestiaCP

To manage your websites and services more securely, create a new user:

  1. Log in to HestiaCP.
  2. Go to Users.
  3. Click on Add User.
  4. Fill in the details and save.

Add a Domain in HestiaCP

To add a domain:

  1. Navigate to Web.
  2. Click on Add Domain.
  3. Enter your domain details and save.

Setting Up Web Hosting Services

HestiaCP simplifies web hosting management. You can easily set up web hosting services for your domains. Navigate to the Web section and configure your websites, SSL certificates, and more.

Managing Databases with HestiaCP

HestiaCP includes powerful database management tools:

  1. Go to Databases.
  2. Click on Add Database.
  3. Enter your database details and save.

Email Management in HestiaCP

Set up and manage email accounts for your domains:

  1. Navigate to Mail.
  2. Click on Add Mail Domain.
  3. Enter your domain and configure email accounts.

Securing Your HestiaCP Installation

Security is crucial for server management:

  • Update regularly: Keep HestiaCP and your server packages up to date.
  • Use strong passwords: Ensure all your accounts have strong, unique passwords.
  • Enable 2FA: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security.

Updating HestiaCP

To update HestiaCP to the latest version, use the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

This command will update your system and HestiaCP to the latest versions.

Backing Up and Restoring Data

Regular backups are essential:

  1. Navigate to Backup.
  2. Configure backup settings and schedule.
  3. Restore backups when needed.

Common Troubleshooting Tips

  • Installation errors: Check logs in /var/log/hestia/install.log.
  • Access issues: Ensure your firewall and DNS settings are correct.
  • Service issues: Restart services using sudo systemctl restart servicename.

Webmail Internal server error

find /etc/roundcube/ -type f -iname "*php" -exec chmod 644 {} \;


How to reset HestiaCP admin password? Navigate to the HestiaCP login page and click on “Forgot Password” or use the command line:

sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-change-user-password admin newpassword

Can I install HestiaCP on other Linux distros? HestiaCP supports Debian, Ubuntu, and RHEL-based distributions.

How to upgrade HestiaCP? Use the system update commands:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Is HestiaCP free? Yes, HestiaCP is open-source and free to use.

What are the system requirements for HestiaCP? A minimum of 1GB RAM and 20GB of disk space, with a fresh installation of Debian 10 or later.


Installing HestiaCP on your Debian server is a straightforward process that enhances your web hosting management capabilities. By following this guide, you should have a fully functional HestiaCP installation, ready to manage your web hosting, databases, and email services efficiently.

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